Centre of Excellence (COE)
Centre of Excellence (COE)
Description of the facility:
The HMS-3000 Hall Effect Measurement Systems plot concentration versus temperature, mobility versus temperature, resistivity versus temperature, conductivity versus temperature, and Hall coefficient versus temperature.
The systems ramp to each user defined temperature, stabilize, makes the measurement (including moving the magnet automatically), and then plots the various temperature dependent material electrical properties.
The HMS-3000 includes software with I-V curve capability for checking the ohmic integrity of the user made sample contacts. The systems can be used to characterize various materials including semiconductors and compound semiconductors (N Type & P Type) such as Si, Ge, SiGe, SiC, GaAs, InGaAs, InP, GaN, ZnO, TCOs, metals, etc., at both 300K and 77K (room temperature and liquid nitrogen temperature).